DACStorE Transformation Hub

The DACStorE consortium aims to prepare a broad and sustainable roll-out and scale-up of DACS technology worldwide. However, research alone cannot drive the market integration of DACS. But it can generate reproducible knowledge, on which policy makers, society and industry can base their decisions. The DACStorE consortium therefore aims to transparently provide knowledge regarding technological aspects, inherent risks, opportunities, and potentials to individual stakeholders, who will implement the broad and sustainable ramp-up.

The DACStorE Transformation Hub has been established as a key cornerstone of the project for the transfer of knowledge and technology. This platform hosts Hub is a different types of events and information such as the DACS-Talks, report-launching webinars, stakeholder workshops, press briefings and industry days. The research results, both journal articles and data publications, are available via this website.

If you are interested in getting more information about the project and the DACStorE Transformation Hub, and if you would like to join the DACStorE Network, please contact Dr. Dhana Wolf, dacstore-info@fz-juelich.de.

If you would like to receive notifications of all DACStorE events, please send an email to dacstore-info@fz-juelich.de with "mailing list" in the subject line.

News & Events

Last Modified: 03.02.2025